Links to the 150th Anniversary

Monday, June 22, 2015

Why this blog?

Gettysburg Army of the Virginia 
Welcome to my experiences  of  Civil War 150th anniversary commemorations in 2014-15 which will end with a trip through Virginia and on to Appomattox, where two great generals met face to face  for the first surrender in a devastating struggle .  The blog is part travelogue, part book report, part photo-journal, part song book and musings. What can be learned from  this war that created over 625,000 casualties ( some say as many as 820,000. In WW2  403,000 American soldiers were lost).

I am inspired by this quote of W.H. Murray from the Scottish Himalayan Expedition

Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back...[With commitment] All sorts of things occur that help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamt would come his way.

With Generals Meade and Lee at Gettsyburg
Since April 2014 I have  read books, trolled websites, taken courses, attended reenactments, taken a trip to Gettysburg and through Virginia, and planned the dates to other battle sites. Much of this has generated eye opening conversations with re-enacters, Civil War historians and enthusiasts along with trained guides. Old and new friends have surfaced as knowledgeable and engaged resources for my self study.

So welcome. Check in as much as you want and make comments as you feel motivated.