Here in Virginia we've lived since my great grandfather was a boy
And now they've come the blue and gray to battle one last time
Here on the peaceful roads of Appomattox
Here on the fields of Appomattox
The blades of grass here
Are as green as in the north
The trees bloom in spring
As they do for you
So when you march here
Remember that our children play like yours
Here on the roads of Appomattox
Here on the fields of Appomattox
We didn't vote for Lincoln
Not a one in this county
We sent our boys to war
To defend our homes and quiet life
We have lawyers, shops and sheriffs
The county clerk lives down the road
Just by the fields of Appomattox
Send them home in peace
Let us live now as we did
Before these men decided we should hate
And go to war
Send them back to where they came from
From the farms and cities near and far
Send them far from these roads of Appomattox
You fought on this road
You fought over this road
Lee was surrounded on this road
This old road brought em here
And this old road will take them on the first leg of their journey home
This old road of Appomattox
This old road of Appomattox